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The City of Production

Valérie Portefaix
Laurent Gutierrez
2008 Hong Kong 52 minutes Chinese

If the massive rural exodus of the primitive accumulation of capital spawned the 19th-century utopian socialism of Charles Fourier, globalisation is now giving birth to a new social Utopia: utopic capitalism. While the modern-day megalopolis is characterised by the reproduction of the labour force, integrating this reproduction into the machine that is actually doing the reproducing of course presents considerable advantages, not only demographically but also ecologically speaking, as much in terms of transport as of cost. The total circulation of goods and extreme territoralisation of the population at the workplace, in the post-futurist society of the 21st century, humanity is reduced to its simplest expression: working and living, producing and consuming.

Production :
Map Office
Editing :
Nicolas Sauret
Photography :
Laurent Gutierrez; Valérie Portefaix
Copy Contact :
Map Office

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