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Wolf-Eckart Bühler
1985 Germany 97 minutes English

Ten years after it ended, there are still survivors of the Vietnam war in Thailand. There are the countless orphans, known as Amerasians and rejected by Thai society, and thousands of former G.I.’s who have never been able to make up their minds to return to the United States.

Wolf-Eckart Bühler

A étudié la philosophie et le théâtre à l’université de Münich. Rédacteur en chef de la revue “Filmkritik” de 1972 à 1980.

A réalisé :

Leo T. Hurwitz : films for a different America, 1980

Abraham Polonsky : international security, 1981

Vor Anker/Landunter, 1982

Leuchtturm des chaos, 1983

Der Havarist, 1984

Production :
Red Harvest Film Bühler
Editing :
Thomas Balkenhol
Sound :
Martin Müller
Photography :
Bernd Fiedler

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