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Bless The Wives And The Children

Cloris Lam
1985 Hong Kong 23 minutes English; Chinese

Chinese women who have married fishermen from Hong-Kong have been given permission to live on their boats with their children in the bay. They are not allowed to enter the town. If the husbands give up fishing, the law requires the wives to return to China. 1,000 of them today live under this system ; 14 of them have just been repatriated to China.

Cloris Lam

Emily Wong, Cloris Lam

Toutes deux reporters et productrices au Département des Affaires Publiques de TVB News.

E. Wong est diplômée en sciences sociales de l’université chinoise de Hong-Kong.

Cloris Lam est diplômée de l’université de Washington.

Production :
Television Broadcasts Ltd
Editing :
Wai-Cheung Chik
Sound :
Ching Cho-Tak; Yiu-Kwok Leung
Photography :
Wei Chi-Kwong

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