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De la Sainteté – Les Bienheureux

José-Maria Berzosa
1985 France 60 minutes French

The third episode in a series on saintliness, this “epistle”, devoted to the cause of the beatification of the Angers Martyrs, victims of the French Revolution, shows the repercussions of this event amongst Catholics in Angers. The film follows the pilgrimage of the descendants and spiritual heirs of the Blessed to Saint Peter’s in Rome for the official celebration presided over by the Pope.

José-Maria Berzosa

Né en 1928 à Albacète (Espagne). Licencié en droit, Avocat, Idhec. Critique de cinéma en Espagne et à la RTF (radio). Nombreux films pour la télévision.

Production :
TF 1
Editing :
Anne Baudry; Janine Martin
Sound :
Jean-Pierre Laforce
Photography :
Maurice Perrimond

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