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Ex Voto

Erich Langjahr
1986 Switzerland 106 minutes German

“In 1979, I considered realizing ‘Ex Voto’. Thinking about my country, I felt the urge to reach to the essential of life, of survival. So I left with my camera and filmed everything that cropped up in front of me. During the shooting, I became aware that the film mirrored my own spiritual and moral needs. I have tried to find an answer, to get acquainted with my most basic feelings which are not, I think, very different from those of other men. It is an attempt at discovering the meaning of belonging to a country – with all its contradictions – HERE… TODAY.”

Erich Langjahr

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Production :
Langjahr Film
Distribution :
Langjahr Film
Editing :
Erich Langjahr
Sound :
Erich Langjahr
Photography :
Erich Langjahr

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