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Il Perché e il percome

Giuseppe Bertolucci
1986 Italy 69 minutes Italian

This film was shot at Villa Maraini a therapeutic community for drug addicts by day. The latter speak and think about their own experience ; various stories and yet the same. The film-maker entered this sphere so that the people could talk about themselves. The problem of drug addiction comes out demystified and, strangely, appears serious and complicated.

Giuseppe Bertolucci

Né en 1947. Réalisateur, co-scénariste de Bernardo Bertolucci pour Novecento et La Luna.

A réalisé :

– ABCinema (documentaire sur le tournage de Novecento), 1975

– Berlinguer ti voglio bene (fiction), 1977

– Oggetti smarriti, 1979

– Panni sporchi, 1980

– Tutto Benigni, 1983

– Segreti segreti, (fiction), 1985

Production :
RAI Radio Televisione Italia
Editing :
Ernesto Manozzi
Sound :
Mario Dallimonti
Photography :
Renato Tafuri