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Lászlo Hartay
1986 Hungary 95 minutes Hungarian

1985: the first election of Miss Hungary to be organized in fifty years. The film shows the commercial context of this event; the distress it caused in public opinion and in the elected young woman’s brain, who commited suicide a few months after her success.

Lászlo Hartay

Né en 1954 à Budapest. Etudie à l’Ecole supérieure d’art dramatique et cinématographique.

A réalisé :

-tVakond (La Taupe), 1984

-tLe Maroc, 1985

-tHirado (Informations), court métrage documentaire, 1985

Production :
Editing :
András Dér; Lászlo Hartay; Mari Miklos
Sound :
Péter Lackovics
Photography :
András Dér; Lászlo Hartay

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