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Terra para Rose

Tetê Moraes
1987 Brazil 83 minutes undetermined

Thousands of landless peasant families occupied the latifundia during the New Republic and the Constituant to demand agrarian reform. The film focuses on the struggle in Fazenda Anoni, in the Rio Grande do Sul, traces the portrait of several women activists and especially that of Rose, mother of the first child born in the camp

Tetê Moraes

Née en 1943 à Rio de Janeiro. Journaliste. Réalisatrice et productrice de films documentaires.

A réalisé :

– Quando a rua vira casa, 1980

– Lages, a força do povo, 1983

Production :
Vemver Comunicaçâo
Editing :
Alzira Cohen; Amauri Alves; Aida Marques; Dominique Paris
Sound :
Walter Goulart; Cristiano Maciel; Marcos Ramos; Toninho Muricy
Photography :
Walter Carvalho; Fernando Duarte

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