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An Indian Day – India 67

Singh Sukhdev
1967 India 57 minutes no words

Another film from Films Division’s brief golden Age, An Indian Day was made by one of India’s greatest documentary filmmaker, Singh Sukhdev. Sixty minutes of images of daily life in Inde from the arid deserts of Rajasthan and the vast Indian countryside to the frenetic urban epicentres. City and village, tradition and modernity are juxaposed without a word of commentary. An Indian Day as a panoramic view of Indian life poised between yester years and the morrow.

Singh Sukhdev


A travaillé avec Paul Zils. A réalisé, entre autres :

– No Sad Tomorrow, 1965 – Wild life Sanctuatur of India, 1974 – And Miles to Go, 1965 – After the Eclipse, 1965 – Thunder of Freedom, 1976 -Nine Months to Freedom, 1972

Production :
Films Division of India
Editing :
Singh Sukhdev
Sound :
Singh Sukhdev
Photography :
Singh Sukhdev

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