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The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche

Tenzing Sonam
1991 United Kingdom 62 minutes Tibetan

Teshi Tsering is a four year old little boy who lives in Tibet, annexed by China in 1950. He is the reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche, a Tibetan monk who died four years before, but the little boy does not know about it yet. Along with thousands of other monks, Choenzy followed the Dalaï Lama in exile in India. Khensur Rinpoche was his spiritual guide. A dedicated disciple, he prays for his spiritual guide’s reincarnation. One day the oracle reveals that his most cherished dream has come true. Choenzy sets off to find Teshi Tsering. Khensur Rinpoche’s former disciple thus becomes the father of a four year old child.

Tenzing Sonam

Né en 1959 à Darjeeling, Inde. Etudes d’économie à Delhi University et de journalisme documentaire aux Etats-Unis.

Avec la réalisatrice Ritu Sarin, il a réalisé :

– Mark Pauline : Mysteries of a mechanical mind, 1985 (Tenzing Sonam)

– The New Puritans : The Sikhs of Yuba city; 1986

– A Buddhist monk, 1988

– A man of peace, 1989

– The Tibet question, 1989

Production :
White Crane Films
Distribution :
White Crane Films
Editing :
Paul Shepard
Sound :
Mike Shoring; Ritu Sarin
Photography :
Andrew Carchrae

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