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Le Santo Daime

Patrick Deshayes
1992 France 97 minutes Portuguese

In Brasil’s state of Acre, bordering Peru and Bolivia, the end of the world as the Brasilians themselves put it, a new synchretic religion was born at the beginning of the century. A mixture of Catholic religious rites, the candomble dance-trances of African origin and the hallucinogenic practices of the Amazon Indians. In Acre, the cult is followed by fifteen percent of the population – seringueiros (rubber tappers), “indigenists” (defenders of Indians’ rights), managers, shopkeepers and partisans of a multicultural but united Brasil. All of them have given body and soul to a new religion, which draws its essence from a magic drink, the Santo Daime.

Patrick Deshayes

Anthropologue, universitaire et cinéaste.

A réalisé :

– Kape le crocodile, 1979

– Nawa huni, 1983

– Mana kini, 1988

Production :
Films de la Liane; Sept Arte; Ateliers de l'Arche
Distribution :
CNRS Images
Editing :
Juliana Sanchez
Sound :
Paulo de Jesus
Photography :
Peter Chappell

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