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Oggi siamo tutti “un po’ bene”

Eric Bergkraut
1992 Switzerland 54 minutes Italian

The film on the life of Tessinese writer Sandro Beretta (1926-1960), a singular if not solitary figure, was made thirty years after his premature death. After learning to be a tailor, Sandro lived ten years in Zûrich where he moved in communist circles and published poems and short stories, mainly set in Blenio, his native valley. Drawing on passages from Sandro Beretta’s stories and political writings, the film retraces his itinerary through interviews with those who knew him, from the Blenio valley to Zurich. It reveals beneath Switzerland’s apparent prosperity, an unknown country not so very different from what it was in the 1950’s. A country in which living conditions were still difficult for peasants and workers and which destroy those who criticise it.

Eric Bergkraut

Réalisateur de reportage et de documentaires

– Le continent K.

– Voyage dans la mort

– Coca, la colombe tchétchènie (2006)

Production :
Al Castello Produzioni cinematografiche SA
Editing :
Beat Kuert
Sound :
Felix Singer
Photography :
Hansueli Schenkel

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