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Une Vie saline

Sophie Averty
1993 France 20 minutes French

Between sea and sky, endlessly, the sun plays on the Guérande marshes and imparts to them their inimitable light… and salt. Joseph Péréon, a salt-marsh worker, story-teller, a character from the peninsula, gives a fervent account of his craft, one that requires know-how, a great deal of patience and a love of nature – a craft that unfortunately many young people are reluctant to carry on.

Sophie Averty

Maîtrise d’ethnologie, et DUT de journalisme. Travaille à Nantes pour les radios locales du réseau de Radio France. Assistante-réalisatrice sur plusieurs courts métrages.

Production :
ARC Bretagne; Films du Funambule
Editing :
Sophie Averty
Sound :
Christian Richard
Photography :
Bertrand Latouche

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