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Bland franska bönder

Torgny Schunnesson
1994 Sweden 57 minutes French

La Livinière, a Minervois village of wine-growers. Work on the land, the rhythm of seasons, hunting parties and popular dances. “Yes, I enjoy being a countryman, a wine-grower, it’s fine, living in the open air, with the trees and birds, is almost enough to make you a poet.” But the everyday life, the work, lifestyle and way of thinking of this last generation of small farmers will soon be no more than a memory, as times are changing and rural culture is drawing to its end.

Torgny Schunnesson

Journaliste et écrivain.

A réalisé ou co-réalisé avec Jean Hermanson :

– Kärlek och vilja (De l’amour et de la volonté), 1982 – Den sista båten (le dernier navire), 1983 – Arbetets döttrar (Les filles du travail), 1986 – Strålande tider (Temps de rayonnement), 1989 – Himmel över Malmö (Le ciel au-dessus de Malmö), 1994 – Århundradets fotograf, 1999

Production :
Kulturbryggarna AB; SVT Sveriges Television; Svenska Filminstitutet Swedish Film Institute; Sept Arte
Editing :
Torgny Schunnesson; Michal Leszczylowski
Sound :
Willie Peterson-Berger; Åsa Lindgren; Peter Addin
Photography :
Torgny Schunnesson

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