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La Nuit partagée

Philippe Larue
1994 France 68 minutes French

“Eight rappers/dancers/singers from the Paris suburbs meet up with the contemporary dance choreographer, Jean-François Duroure, to prepare a musical show for the Avignon Festival. “Originally conceived as a daily record in images covering the birth of a choreographic project, La Nuit Partagée paints the portrait of nine characters : eight dancers and a choreographer. We watch, listen to and experience this creation, beginning with an empty theatre right up to the day when the show finally brings it to life, following the first sketches of the project, through the moments of indecision encountered by a choreographer and his troupe. The “wings” which are opened up to us are both those of the theatre performance and those of the street. Work and future developments are discussed there, but also experiences and doubts. More than a simple documentary about Dance, this film seeks to be an actual story ; the story of an encounter and of a group of people getting to know each other.” (Philippe Larue)

Philippe Larue

Diplômé de l’École Nationale Louis Lumière (Section Cinéma). Co-fondateur en 1985 de la Compagnie C.T.P. Éclairagiste sur des spectacles de danse, metteur en scène, il est aussi assistant-réalisateur sur des tournages cinématographiques. A réalisé des courts métrages de fiction, et des documentaires.

Production :
Injam Production
Distribution :
Documentaire sur Grand Ecran
Editing :
Toby Trotter
Sound :
Philippe Faugas; Olivier Do Huu; Jean-Luc Audy; Fabien Krzyzanowski
Photography :
Philippe Larue; Eric Laporte

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