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Paroles peintes

Gil Moizon
1994 France 26 minutes French

When Yvonne, a farmer’s wife living in the Vendée bocage, reached the age of retirement, she had a sudden inspiration. Since that fine day when she went to town to buy herself a paintbrush and tubes of paint and when, in the privacy of her bedroom, she painted her first picture, Yvonne has not stopped creating, in her own way, without subjects, giving expression to her personal universe. Brightly coloured paintings, where composition in all its detail emerges as if by miracle and which voice sensations and feelings suppressed for too long, but now conveyed in undertones through these painted inscriptions.

Production :
Injam Production
Editing :
Agnès Poullin
Sound :
Rolly Belhaccen
Photography :
Joël Krellenstein

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