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Mirt sost shi amit

Hailé Gerima
1976 Ethiopia 150 minutes English; Amharic

For three generations, a farming family has been cultivating land which does not belong to them, with no profit for themselves.

Hailé Gerima

Né en Ethiopie en 1946. Emigre aux Etats-Unis en 1968. A enseigné le cinéma à Washington. A réalisé, entre autres :

Hour Glass, 1971 – Child of Resistance, 1972 – Harvest: 3,000 Years, 1975 – Bush Mama, 1979 – Ashes and Embers, 1982 – After Winter: Sterling Brown, 1985 – Sankofa, 1993 – Adwa, 1999

Production :
Hailé Gerima
Distribution :
Cineteca di Bologna
Editing :
Phillip Kuretskty
Photography :
Elliott Davis

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