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Omar Daf, un footballeur africain

Mounir Dridi
1995 France 74 minutes undetermined; Flemish

Omar Daf is one of those young African footballers full of enthusiasm and talent. One day, the Belgian talent scout, Karel Brokken, enters his life and paints an enticing picture of a brilliant career in a club… But the small Flemish team in which he finds himself does not really match up to the promises of this splendid future. Others have trodden this path before him, others back in Africa still cherish the dream… “It is not only the European clubs that stand to gain from the transfer of young African players – a particular form of immigration – and the talent scout is not the only “slave trader” to exploit this young talent. Back in Africa, others also turn the player into a source of profit, and this is what we wanted to show.” (Mounir Dridi)

Mounir Dridi

Né en 1952 en Algérie, mort à Paris en 1996.

Etudes de Lettres Modernes.

A réalisé :

Nouvelles du front (fiction), 1983 – Poisson fantôme (fiction), 1985 – Derrière la porte (fiction), 1986 – Du désespoir (fiction), 1987 – Transversales, 1991 – Récits de l’île Seguin, 1992 – Gabriel (fiction), 1993 – A ma zone, 1994 – Omar Daf, footballeur africain, 1995

Production :
Sept Arte; Ina
Distribution :
ADPF - Cinémathèque Afrique
Editing :
Rémi Hiernaux
Sound :
Jérôme Ayasse; Laurent Malan; Corinne Gigon; Francisco Camino
Photography :
Jacques Gaudin; Maurice Perrimond; Régis Nahon

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