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Le Bouillon d’Awara

Cesar Paes
1996 Belgium; France 70 minutes Creole

“In Mana, a small Guyanese town of 1500 inhabitants, Amerindians, Europeans, Creoles, Blacks, Browns, Surinamese, Hmongs and Brazilians tell the story of… Awara broth, a kind of stew made from the awara – the fruit of a palm tree commonly found in French Guiana – and prepared by the Creole community on Easter Monday. It is said that anyone who eats this broth that day will never leave Guiana or, should they leave, will inevitably return…” (César Paes).

Cesar Paes

Originaire du Brésil, a réalisé : • Angano… Angano… Nouvelles de Madagascar, 1989 • Un temps mis en conserve, 1991 • Aux guerriers du silence, 1992 • Le Bouillon d’awara, 1996

Production :
Orstom Audiovisuel; RTBF; Sept Arte; Cobra Films; Laterit productions
Distribution :
Laterit productions
Editing :
Agnès Contensou; Marie-Clémence Paes
Sound :
Bernard Oses
Photography :
Cesar Paes

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