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Thomas Ciulei
1995 Germany; Romania 45 minutes Rumanian

In Izbuc, a village in the Carpathian mountains, people believe that Gratian Florea is a werewolf. According to an old custom, when a child is born, the midwives call upon the spirits, to make the child hard-working, beautiful, loveable or wise. It is said that when Gratian was born, the umbilical cord broke only after the midwife called for him to be a werewolf. Driven out by his family, the 73 year old Gratian now lives outside the village in a shack with no water or heating. Every Saturday, he goes into the village and begs for the food he needs for the next week. The saying goes that those who refused to give him something had their sheep eaten by wolves few days later…

Thomas Ciulei

Né à Bucarest en 1965. En 1979, il part aux États-Unis où il étudie la photographie à La School of Visual Arts. Étudie ensuite à partir de 1990 à la Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film de Münich. Assistant de Lucian Pintilie.

Production :
Ciulei Films
Editing :
Thomas Ciulei
Sound :
Florin Nica; Ioana Cioarâ
Photography :
Thomas Ciulei

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