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Kaun lageya ritt?

Praveen Kumar
1996 India 87 minutes undetermined

In the Himalaya region of the north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh lives the semi-nomadic tribe of the Gaddi. The shepherds wander with their herds through the mountains, changing their location according to the seasons and the pastures. Due the continual disappearance of grassland, their search for Pastland leads them each year further away from the plains, through dangerous snow covered passes, up into the mountains. For the Gaddi a pass is a kind of religious and romantic metaphor. Only if the gods are well-disposed to the shepherd can he cross the pass unharmed. In this structure the film mirrors the wandering of the shepherd- movement and rest, home and dangerous foreign parts, separation and reunion. Songs and Stories narrated by Gaddi express their longings.

Praveen Kumar

Né en 1964. Diplômé d’économie de l’Université de Delhi, il travaille pour une association de développement économique qui produit des vidéos. Après un stage aux Ateliers Varan à Paris, il devient réalisateur indépendant pour des organismes publics d’éducation et de recherche. Il a réalisé dans ce cadre :

Kerdarnath Singh – Kedarnath Aggarwal – Cry of the woods

Production :
Samanvaya Trust
Editing :
Aseem Sinha
Sound :
Vikram Joglekar
Photography :
Sameer Mahajan

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