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Tribuna especial

Andrés Jarach
1997 Argentina; France 17 minutes Spanish

In the heart of Buenos Aires, at the Palermo hippodrome, time seems to stand still. The tangos that Carlos Gardel dedicated to his love of betting still echo in the Grandstand. “For my first film, I wanted to revisit the Palermo hippodrome. The past and present, forever mingled together. When the betting men I filmed are no longer there, is will mean that everything has changed for good. Only the tangos will remain.” (Andrés Jarach)

Andrés Jarach

Né en 1972 à Buenos Aires, diplômé de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, cellule Anthropologie et cinéma, assistant-réalisateur sur de nombreux films documentaires, publicitaires et de fictions. A réalisé : Tribuna especial – un jour aux courses , 1997, Une semaine à Buenos Aires, 2003.

Production :
Editing :
Dominique Paris
Sound :
Gaspar Sheuer; Cote Alvarez
Photography :
Ramiro Civita

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