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Syberyjska lekcja

Wojciech Staron
1998 Poland 56 minutes Russian; Polish

Malgorzata, a young Polish girl at the end of studies, travels by train across all of Russia to take up her post in Siberia. For one year, she will be teaching Polish to the offspring of her exiled compatriots. She is accompanied by a young man with his camera, who has chosen this subject for his first film. During these twelve months, she gets to know the region along the shore of Lake Baikal. Not only is the climate harsh, but the area is also suffering from economic hardships-since the fall of the Communist regime, salaries are no longer paid out, survival is a daily struggle and despair not far away. After a spell of discouragement, she discovers that the Polish community not only offers her a warm, generous welcome, but also deep friendship. The film draws a sensitive portrait of a few of the people who, each in their own way, open their door to her to share a little happiness together.

Wojciech Staron

Né en 1973, étudie à l’Académie polonaise du Film à Lodz. Il a été chef-opérateur sur Là-bas et ici, 1995; Tentation, 1996; Jakub, 1998. Il a réalisé un court métrage Le petit déjeuner, 1996 et des documentaires Syberyjska lekcja, (La leçon sibérienne), 1999, El Misionero, 2000

Production :
Poltel Télévision Polonaise; Film Studio Kronika
Editing :
Zbigniew Osinski
Photography :
Wojciech Staron

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