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Nous ne sommes plus morts

François L. Woukoache
2000 Rwanda; Belgium; France 128 minutes undetermined

In the space of five years (1990-1994), Rwanda experienced two wars and notably this century’s third genocide in which more than a million people were massacred in just a few months. How is it possible to continue living in this land where the unnameable unveiled itself and will remain forever visible ? This is the formidable challenge that today’s Rwandans are taking up. The film is a snapshot of a time when an African people are building a new future against the odds of tragedy. A series of encounters with people, each carrying in their body and soul a fragment of this History… a small piece of hope.

François L. Woukoache

Né en 1966 à Yaoundé (Cameroun), commence par des courts métrages dans le cadre de sa formation à l’Insas, puis réalise des longs métrages, documentaires et fictions : • Melina, 1991-1992, • Asientos, 1994-1995, • La fumée dans les yeux, 1998, • Fragments de vie, 2000 • Nous ne sommes plus morts, 2000.

Production :
Cap-Vert Almadies films; PBC Pictures; Gsara; Parenthèse Films
Distribution :
PBC Pictures; Parenthèse Films
Editing :
Hervé Brindel
Sound :
Issa Traoré Senior
Photography :
Bonaventure Takoukam

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