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Petit Paul à  Korhogo – Histoire d’une adoption

Sylvie Ditmann
2001 France 56 minutes French

A woman in her forties, who runs a hairdressing salon, learns that her request to adopt a child has been approved. She leaves for the Ivory Coast, and spends a month there completing the necessary formalities. During her stay, she discovers Paul, the child she is to adopt and gets to know other parents in the same situation. She also discovers a centre for abandoned children, all of which opens her eyes to certain realities of African society.

Sylvie Ditmann

Monteuse, elle est également animatrice de stages au sein des ateliers Varan, à l’Ina et auprès des télévisions malienne, ivoirienne et marocaine. A réalisé : Dis voir, 1992 ; Petit Paul à Korogho, 2000

Production :
Distribution :
Editing :
Dominique Barbier; Sylvie Ditmann
Sound :
Sylvie Ditmann
Photography :
Sylvie Ditmann

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