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UnMonde en fusion

Julie Bertuccelli
2001 France 53 minutes French

“First, they restructured to survive, then came the acquisitions for business growth and now they are merging in order to conquer, impose their brand and ensure a world-wide presence. Yesterday’s competitors are joining forces to become international giants, whilst the system of communicating vases is turning States into dwarves. With the ever-increasing power of the “Market”, dimensions are taking on an unprecedented size: the financial sums at stake, the number of employees involved, the ambitions declared and the dividends expected. In this great game of planetary Monopoly, I chose to film the players more than the game itself. I took the merger of three European steel groups as a pretext to have a close look at the top managers, presidents and other managing directors, all them incarnating the men with power. I watched the theatre of the meetings, their verbal inebriation and their codified, controlled innuendoes. I often had to wait in front of the closed doors of this untransparent world, where secrets and confidentiality reign'” (Julie Bertuccelli)

Julie Bertuccelli

Née en 1968. Après une maîtrise de philosophie, elle a été assistante à la réalisation sur de nombreux longs métrages et téléfilms (avec entre autres Iosseliani, Kieslowski, Tavernier, Finkiel). Elle a notamment réalisé : • Un métier comme les autres, 1993 • Une liberté, 1994 • Le jongleur de Notre-Dame, 1995 • La fabrique des juges, 1998 • Bienvenue au grand magasin, 1999 • Voyages, voyages – Les Iles Eoliennes, 1999 • Un Monde en fusion, 2001 • Depuis qu’Otar est parti (fiction), 2003

Production :
Arte France; Amip
Editing :
Josiane Zardoya
Sound :
B. Haim; L. Mallan; Pierre Picq; Stéphane Bauer
Photography :
Julie Bertuccelli

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