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Safar – The Journey

Sandhya Suri
2001 United Kingdom 29 minutes English; Hindi

Yash Pal Suri arrived in Britain in the mid sixties as a young doctor, hoping to gain further qualifications and return home to India a few years later. A few years however turned into many. Uniquely, he meticulously documented his experiences of emigration over four decades in the form of Super 8 movies which he would send to his relatives back in India. These movies were accompanied by audio commentaries in which he would record his changing thoughts and observations about life abroad. Safar is based on this «cine-letter» exchange between Yash and his relatives in India.

Sandhya Suri

Diplômée en mathématiques et en langues, elle suit des cours de cinéma en Allemagne à l’Université de Cologne, puis anime des ateliers vidéo pour enfants au Japon.

En 2000 elle intègre la NFTS. Safar—The Journey est son film de fin d’études.

Production :
National Film and Television School
Distribution :
National Film and Television School
Editing :
Cinzia Baldessari
Sound :
Antonia Bates
Photography :
Per Tingleff; Sandhya Suri

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