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Do You Remember Laurie Zimmer?

Charlotte Szlovak
2003 France 60 minutes French; English

The story of a search. The search for the actress, Laurie Zimmer, also known as Laura Fanning, who starred in Charlotte Szlovak’s 1977 film Slow City Moving Fast. The film followed the melancholic wanderings of a young woman, a former actress, driving endlessly through the Los Angeles suburbs in search of something or someone. The beautiful and talented Laurie had a brilliant career ahead of her, but after the shoot she simply disappeared. What had happened in her life? And what life had she chosen to lead instead? Do you remember Laurie Zimmer? is like a thriller without a corpse. The story of a life, as much as an invitation to roam a territory halfway between reality and imagination, known as Hollywood.

Charlotte Szlovak

A réalisé : La drague, 1975 ; D’un jour à l’autre, 1978 ; Retour à Oujda, 1987 ; Docteur Imre Szlovak, 1999

Production :
Zeugma Films; Arte France; YLE TV1
Distribution :
Zeugma Films
Editing :
Sophie Reiter
Sound :
Imre Juhasz
Photography :
Eric Marcheux

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