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Longue distance

Basile Remaury
2002 France 26 minutes French

“Alone, on the job, on the road, at night. This situation, the everyday lot of truck drivers, is what inspired me to make the film. Different encounters with drivers at Garonor, Rouen and Rungis, firmly supported our intuition that driving through the night is an eminently cinegenic adventure. But what seemed essential to give the adventure an appeal was a human presence that exuded great vitality. Since everything, from the isolation and darkness through to the road racing by, tends to make you withdrawn, introspective or absent, whilst nothing encourages sharing. This kind of vital presence is rare, yet by chance we found it… Two trucks following one another. Yves and Alain, two endearing men with close ties. This formed the subject matter for the film, which took us from Bordeaux up to Paris.” (Basile Remaury)

Basile Remaury

Né en 1978, élève du département Réalisation de la Femis. Longue distance est son premier film, réalisé dans le cadre de sa deuxième année d’études.

Production :
Distribution :
Editing :
Esther Frey.
Sound :
Antoine Corbin
Photography :
Claudine Natkin

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