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150 Seconds Ago

Batul Mukhtiar
2002 India 115 minutes English; Hindi; Gujarati

In January 2001, an earthquake destroyed, in a matter of minutes, the almost-500-year-old city of Bhuj in the Gujarat province. What disappeared was not only the palace, the ramparts and historic streets, but also a whole world of legends, traditions and culture. Whereas the inevitable process of change is normally perceived by individuals as a gradual change, here, time and space were totally compressed in a few fatal seconds, changing the lives of thousands of people in the Kutch region and depriving them of a part of themselves. During the year following the catastrophe, the filmmaker followed the lives of the inhabitants. Her various encounters’be it with the rickshaw man, the maharajah, the surgeon, the ONG worker or the architects’enable her to show how attitudes are changing: from the clearing up of the ruins to the first rebuilding projects, from the mourning to the will to live again, from despair to action.

Batul Mukhtiar

Diplômée de l’Institut national du Film et de la Télévision de Pune en 1994. Elle a travaillé comme assistante de recherche et de réalisation en Inde et en Grande-Bretagne sur différentes séries de télévision, et a réalisé deux court-métrages de fiction Phobhabai et Nazar ka Dhokha. 150 Seconds ago est son premier documentaire.

Production :
Shoot out films
Editing :
Batul Mukhtiar
Sound :
Vinod S.
Photography :
Vivek Shah

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