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Hugo och Rosa

Bengt Jägerskog
2002 Sweden 57 minutes Swedish

Brother and sister, they have lived through the 20th century in the little red house with its white decorations, characteristic of the Swedish countryside, which their parents had bought in 1898. Their daily life at Gunby farm, without electricity or running water despite its proximity to Stockholm, is still that of a poor rural Sweden of the 1930s, as the family photos show. From 1992 to 2002, the filmmaker followed the siblings’ relationship of complicity. The days are well filled, the weeks go peacefully by, the seasons change. Hugo goes to church, Rosa bakes her bread and brings out her accordion to accompany the songs she writes. But one day, Hugo, who is getting on for a hundred, falls ill and Rosa is forced to “move house”…

Bengt Jägerskog

Etudes de cinéma et de photographie. Après un passage dans la publicité, il entre en 1971 à la télévision publique suédoise. Journaliste, cameraman et producteur sur de nombreux documentaires en Suède et à l’étranger, il a réalisé récemment avec Marianne Gillgren Frida-domestique à vie, et avec Cecilia Zadig Brinna eller brännas ut/@burn-out.

Production :
SVT Sveriges Television Documentary
Distribution :
SVT Sveriges Television
Editing :
Micke Engström
Sound :
Arne Svärd
Photography :
Bengt Jägerskog

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