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Cher Henri…

Julien Cunillera
2003 Spain; France 59 minutes French; Spanish

“What interests me in filmmaking is getting to know men and women, their stories, faces and voices. Little matter, when it comes down to it, whether they are actors or not, whether it involves documentary or fiction! So, underlying my project was my love for people, who happen to be ‘my family’. Alongside, there was a story of fathers and sons (in the plural!), which also happened to be my own, but my fear of narcissism held me back for a long time’ I was, and still remain, fascinated at the extent to which History, Spain at the time of the Civil War and the France of May 1968 can weigh on such an ‘ordinary’ family and influence the course of these humble lives swept along by the century.” (Julien Cunillera)

Julien Cunillera

A réalisé des courts métrages de fiction, et des documentaires-fictions, dont : • Ali et Aylin, 1995 • Mesut et ses frères, 1997 • La Fiancée, 1997 • Faisons un rêve !, 1999 • Premier janvier, 2002

Production :
Films du Poisson
Distribution :
Films du Poisson
Editing :
Anne Weil
Sound :
Guillaume Valeix
Photography :
Olivier Chambon

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