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L’ Etr@nger du grand fleuve

Annick Colomès
2003 France 52 minutes French; undetermined

March 2003. Heralds come to Niafunké in northern Mali to announce that a window has opened up in space-time. The whole village comes to have a look and ask questions that reflect their individual needs and dreams. The leader of the dance is a mouse’ an Internet centre has just opened. No idol worship can be seen on their faces, but rather curiosity, wonder and sometimes mistrust. The light shining out of the screen reveals the inner being and the heart of each one.

Annick Colomès

A travaillé sur la production de nombreux films, documentaires et fictions, avec Solveig Anspach, Claudine Bories, Pascal Kané, Mark Kidel, Bernard Mangiante, Stan Neumann, Mariana Otero, Evelyne Ragot, Valeria Sarmiento… Scénariste du long métrage Demain, peut-être. L’Etr@nger du grand fleuve est sa première réalisation.

Production :
TV 10 Angers; Films Constance; Films d'Ici
Distribution :
Doc & Co
Editing :
Catherine Quesemand
Sound :
Dominique Vieillard
Photography :
Nicolas Jouvin

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