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Le Pêcheur de lune

Perrine Michel
2003 France 26 minutes French

When he already had cancer, my father told me that he had ‘programmed’ his illness a long time beforehand. In this film, I tell him what his death made me feel. A great many doubts, questions, anger and then life surge up inside me. Voices and family photos knock against one another to make sense out of an opaque past and suspended present.” (Perrine Michel)

Perrine Michel

Après des études universitaires de cinéma, Perrine Michel a travaillé un an à Dakar au service audiovisuel du centre culturel français, puis à Paris dans le domaine de l’éducation à l’image. Le Pêcheur de Lune est son premier film.

Production :
Perrine Michel
Sound :
Matthieu Tartamella

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