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V Temnote

Sergej Dvorcevoj
2004 Russia; Finland 40 minutes Russian

An 80-year-old man, who has lost his sight, lives in a small flat with a white cat. Wanting to do something useful, he makes string shopping bags. But the cat keeps messing things up and every day there is a continual battle between the two of them. The cat is the man’s only friend’ and enemy. Through the window, the man listens to the sounds of the Moscow streets. Sometimes, he goes outside and tries to give people his bags as a gift. Nobody wants them’they all have plastic bags.

Sergej Dvorcevoj

Né en 1962 au Kazakhstan. Après des études d’aviateur et de technicien radio en Ukraine, il suit des cours supérieurs de scénario et de mise en scène à Moscou. A réalisé : • Scastje (Paradis), 1995 • Le Jour du pain, 1998 • Highway, 1999

Production :
Kaarle Aho; Kinodvor Studio; Sergej Dvorcevoj; Jane Balfour Services
Editing :
Sergej Dvorcevoj
Sound :
Sergej Dvorcevoj; Tuomas Jarnefelt
Photography :
Alisher Khamidkhodjaev; Anatoly Petriga

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