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Cesar Paes
Raymond Rajaonarivelo
2005 France 102 minutes French; Malagasy
© Laterit Productions

Mahaleo is the most popular music group in Madagascar with thirty years of unbroken success. Moreover, these forerunners of the Malagasy blues also have jobs: doctor, surgeon, farmer, sociologist and parliamentary deputy… “Through Mahaleo and their music, the film takes a look at the situation in Madagascar at a critical moment of its history, after a political crisis that almost plunged the country into civil war.” (Marie-Clémence Paes)

Cesar Paes

Originaire du Brésil, a réalisé : • Angano… Angano… Nouvelles de Madagascar, 1989 • Un temps mis en conserve, 1991 • Aux guerriers du silence, 1992 • Le Bouillon d’awara, 1996

Raymond Rajaonarivelo

Il a realise : ¡ Tabataba, 84f (Quinzaine des réalisateurs, Festival de Cannes 1988), Le Jardin des corps, 10′, 1994 ; Quand les étoiles rencontrent la mer, 86′ (Cannes junior, Festival de Cannes 1996).

Production :
Marie-Clémence Paes for Laterit productions; Cobra Films; Arte France; RTBF
Distribution :
Laterit productions
Editing :
Agnès Contensou
Sound :
Eric Bouillon; Bruno Hoff-Blanc; Andry Raonarivony
Photography :
Cesar Paes; Raymond Rajaonarivelo

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