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Les Enracinés

Deep - Rooted
Damien Fritsch
2004 France 52 minutes French

You only need to take small side-roads to land up in unknown territory and meet people of our grandparents’ generation, whose way of life has not changed since their youth. They do not want to leave their land or move into an old people’s home. Yvette, the former level-crossing keeper, Arlette and Léon, farmers whose lives are inseparable from the trees, animals and the seasons, Catherine and Jean, who are still in love. They all talk about their attachment to their way of life, their work and their carefully hidden sorrows. They all refuse the dependent and resigned existence of the “elderly”.

Damien Fritsch

Ne en 1963, il est cineaste, ingenieur du son et charge de cours (a l’Universite Marc Bloch, Strasbourg). Il a realise, entre autres : Anne, 59′, 1995 (sortie au

Cinema l’écran de Saint Denis), Le Bal des veuves, 61′, 1996 (prime a

Bale et Mulhouse), Le Monde du bout des doigts, 53′, 2000 (Prix Scam du meilleur documentaire de création 2002, Festivals de Bruxelles, Vic-le-Comte, Fipa, Prix Europa), Mesdames revent, 26′, 2000, En musique, 52′, 2003.

Production :
Dora Films; France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté; France 3 Alsace; Laurent Dené; Josiane Schauner
Distribution :
Dora Films
Editing :
Christine Benoit; Damien Fritsch
Sound :
J. Beck; Damien Fritsch
Photography :
Damien Fritsch

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