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Tanaka Aya
2004 Belgium 55 minutes Japanese

“It’s now ten years since I left Japan. Every year, my father used to take me to my grandparents’ in Harimano. One day, I asked him why he was the only one in the family to live in Tokyo. I was surprised to learn that the reason was political discrimination.” On the way to Harimano, the father explains to his daughter why he had broken ties with his village, which still bore the imprint of traditional feudalism. He talks about his militant life, his weariness and doubts after years of commitment. “Faced with the European movements that are fighting against globalisation, my long-dormant “militant” side woke up, as did the wish to confront the problems of the society I had fled ten years ago.” (Tanaka Aya)

Tanaka Aya

Née en 1974 au Japon, elle vit en Belgique depuis 1993. Elle a une licence d’écriture et d’analyse cinématographique de l’Université libre de Bruxelles. Elle enseigne le japonais. Elle a réalisé: Interface, court métrage documentaire, en 2002.

Production :
Triangle 7; VOI Sénart; Zeugma Films; Michel David; Cobra Films; Daniel de Valck; Anne Deligne
Distribution :
CBA / Centre de l'Audiovisuel à Bruxelles
Editing :
Michèle Hubinon
Photography :
Valentine Paulus

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