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Makhleket Yoldot

Post Partum
Silvina Landsmann
2004 Israel 64 minutes Hebrew

In the maternity ward, the family strain their ears against the door and comment on the screams of the delivery. The new-born child is immediately taken away from the mother, examined, energetically cleaned and handled by an implacably competent staff. Congratulations are handed to the father, whilst the mother recovers in a daze. She has to face the grumpiness of the nurses, find out where they have parked her baby’s moses basket or beg for help with breast-feeding and bathing. Two days later, it is time to quit the hospital: the nurses hand over to a somewhat haggard couple the baby, an explanatory brochure, a ready-to-use feeding bottle and a few nappies?

Silvina Landsmann

Née en 1965 en Argentine a fait une licence de cinéma et de télévision à l’Université de Tel–Aviv, Israël. A réalisé : Collège, 1997 ;Post partum, 2004

Production :
Noga TV
Editing :
Lior Elephant
Sound :
Keren Finkelshtein; Shiri Bar On
Photography :
Silvina Landsmann

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