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Le Poids de la neige

The Weight of Snow
Xavier Dancausse
2005 France 45 minutes Japanese

Snow covers the Japanese island of Hokkaido. At the Asari Classe hotel, all has to be tiptop for the stressed-out guests who come to relax in the famous spa waters. The diction and phrasing of greetings, along with the angle of bowing, are rehearsed in detail. The staff are themselves overworked and under pressure. they comment on the management’s appreciations, wonder what to do with some shady-looking holidaymakers who might well be yakuzas (mafia), joke about the guests’ behaviour, or talk about work and retirement. The manager keeps a relentless eye on the profitability, from electrical installations to human beings. At the staff meal, the president of the hotel group talks of profit, outlooks and cash flow, before the karaoke and group games of very doubtful taste, intended to “bring everyone closer”.

Xavier Dancausse

Xavier Dancausse, né en 1976, est cinéaste, scénariste et chef opérateur. Il a réalisé :

Hors Saison (Port-Camargue), 2000

Limit, 2001

Mémoires v1.0 : Sahara Algérien, 2002

Production :
RTV; Productions de la Lanterne
Distribution :
Productions de la Lanterne
Editing :
Bertrand Delobbe
Sound :
Hamada Aya
Photography :
Xavier Dancausse

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