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Rainer Frimmel
2005 Austria 35 minutes Italian

One year with the “modern, well-heated Floridicchio Circus”. A small troop that travels around an Italian countryside immobilised by winter, from village squares to coastal venues. Babooska and her family have to deal with bad weather, injuries, replacing those who leave, acts that need training for reworking. Circus life entails endless props to pack and unpack, marquee pegs to be hammered in and pulled out, miles of driving and hours of disassembly. Schools changed dozens of times, scant audiences and accounts that do not balance all year round. The circus ring would be nothing without life behind the scenes, where animal stars sometimes escape. Babooska is celebrating her twenty-first birthday and would not change her life for the world.

Rainer Frimmel

Rainer Frimmel, né en 1971 à Vienne. Cinéaste et photographe, il a réalisé les documentaires : Che bella è la vita, 1997 Wien: Sieben Szenen, 1998 Aufzeichnungen aus dem Tiefparterre, 2000.

Production :
Vento Film
Distribution :
Vento Film
Sound :
Tizza Covi
Photography :
Rainer Frimmel

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