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Moujarad Madina

Hisham Al Zouki
2003 Syria 14 minutes Arabic

The poet Mansour Rajih spent fifteen years in a Yemeni prison, before his expulsion to Norway. “I still carry prison inside me. Prison follows me around like a shadow.” His wife speaks of isolation, friends who take their distance, the fear of the secret services. “Prison is everywhere.” Exile is also a prison, the hell of being a foreigner. This is what his poetry shares with so many others.

Hisham Al Zouki

Joude Gorani est diplômée du département image de la Fémis. Depuis son retour à Damas, elle exerce son métier d’opérateur sur différents films documentaires. Elle a réalisé : J’aime pas dormir (cm, 2005) avec

Catherine Paillé

Production :
Nirvana Film Production
Editing :
Oyvind Garau
Sound :
Gudmundur Gunnarson
Photography :
Hisham Al Zouki; Amanda Turnander