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Martin Brand
2004 Germany 6 minutes German

Summertime, a fairground, a waltzer in swirling, somewhat unreal colours and a group of teenagers. Their immobility marks them out from the almost frenzied movement. A shifting, luminous place, in which the voice of a young girl is heard. She talks about summer at the funfair but, more strikingly, about a life of violence and disappointed hopes, with no future. “First, I was fascinated by the amazing colours of the “Breakdance”. Then the teenagers standing nearby caught my eye. A chance discovery turned into a detailed study.”

Martin Brand

Martin Brand, né en 1975 en Allemagne, est cinéaste et artiste vidéo. Il a étudié les Beaux Arts et la littérature à l’Université de Bochum puis à celle de Dortmund. Parmi ses vidéos «mono-écran» les plus récentes :

Astronaut, 6 mn, 2003

Lurie, 16 mn, 2003

Keeping the Height, 7 mn, 2003

Station, 15 mn, 2005

Driver, 6 mn, 2005

Production :
Martin Brand
Distribution :
Martin Brand
Editing :
Martin Brand
Sound :
Martin Brand
Photography :
Martin Brand

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