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Das Haus und die Wüste

House and Desert
Anna Faroqhi
2005 Germany 57 minutes Hebrew

A house is more than a roof: it also embodies an idea of life as we should or want to live it. In Israel, architecture, living styles and planning are such that history and the present become visible and legible. Be it the hut of a 1920’s Russian socialist settler or the dilapidated Bauhaus houses in Tel Aviv, an American-style suburb that was once a kibbutz or West Bank settlements surrounded by watchtowers, large-scale complexes or the Thai workers’ shacks and Bedouin tents, each place expresses a way of life, either chosen or enforced, real or imaginary, open or secret. The map of the country reflects in relief its historical dimension and its contradictions.

Anna Faroqhi

Anna Faroqhi, née en 1968 à Berlin, est cinéaste, écrivain, comédienne, chanteuse et journaliste. Elle est diplômée de l’Ecole supérieure de cinéma de Munich (HFF München). Elle enseigne à l’Université de musique Hanns Eisler de Berlin. Elle a réalisé notamment : Silber und Gold (Silver and Gold), fiction, 15 mn, 1997 Die Geschichte von Belinda und Zoe (The Story of Belinda and Zoe), fiction, 13 mn, 1998 Ein Mann für Marie (A Man for Marie), fiction, 18 mn, 2000 Mehrwert der Liebe, fiction, 28 mn, 2001 The 4th of July, film-essai, 14 mn, 2002 Waiting, film-essai, 52 mn, 2003

Production :
ZDF; Anna Faroqhi
Distribution :
Anna Faroqhi
Editing :
Anna Faroqhi
Sound :
Benjamin Rinnert
Photography :
Til Maier

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