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Tentatives de se décrire

Boris Lehman
2005 Canada; Belgium 165 minutes French

Attempting to describe oneself would result in a film about representation. How can one describe oneself and the other through film? The camera as a mirror or third eye. At the outset, an epistolary film and a journey conceived as a collage, between documentary and fiction. The outcome is a portrait of Boris Lehman between 1989 and 1995, a second part of the project Babel. To keep on and on going round oneself – clearly impossible but what else to do? I come back to myself as in a nostalgic dream each time filming what no longer exists what has died in me already the past and shadow of myself I keep in filming again and again to declare that I film not what I forgot to include but what didn’t yet exist. ( Boris Lehman)

Production :
Dovfilm; Mainfilm; Cocagne
Distribution :
Editing :
Daniel de Valck; Ariane Mellet
Sound :
Henri Morelle; Pierre Bertrand; Jacques Dapoz
Photography :
Guy Borremans; Jacques Deluc; Antoine-Marie Meert

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