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Bonjour chez vous Tropical Islands

Marie Voignier
2008 France undetermined

« Be seeing you » is a film project whose starting point is a quite particular place : « Tropical Islands ». Built in the eastern German countryside on a former German then soviet military base, this gigantic dome (the world’s largest self-supporting hall) presently houses a tropical theme park. The ambient temperature is 25 °C and the water in the tropical sea is a pleasantly warm 30° C surrounded by an indoor rainforest. « Bring the Tropics home » was the founding idea of the investors, bring them to the place where you’d least expect them, Germany. The film, like an essay or a still travelogue, explores strikingly contrasted aspects of the situation : the landscape, the inhabitants and their history outside the dome confronted to the scenery, the actors and representation of the exotic inside.

Marie Voignier

Marie Voignier, diplômée de l’Ecole nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, est artiste vidéaste. Elle vit et travaille à Paris. Parmi ses réalisations :
The Great Train Robbery, blind, 9 min, 2006 (pièce sonore) Western DDR, 10 min, 2005 (doc.) Les Fantômes, 13 min, 2004 Portraits, 11 min, 2004 Elle est vêtue de noir, 6 min, 2004 Wild Child, 3 min, 2003 Sans titre (Mostapha), 5 min, 2003 L’Interview, 6 min, 2001

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