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I Wish I Loved No One
Marie Dumora
2008 France 109 minutes French

“I love everyone, I want to help everyone and no one loves me, no one helps me. They say they understand me, but they don’t understand. I don’t want to love anyone.” Between Colmar and Mulhouse, 16-year-old Sabrina has a moment of lucidity, but this glimmer does not last. Placed in the Ermitage hostel with her son, the girl is unable to detach herself from her family, who don’t care a jot about her, from her boyfriend, who is double-timing her with “frumpies”. The family is suffocating her yet at the same time is her breath of air. Faced with this programmed asphyxia, all the social workers and psychologists are able to offer her are casual jobs and training courses that follow on one after the other to no benefit. Sabrina is like a butterfly attracted by the daylight, yet which remains stuck against the window rather than flying around to find a way out. (Yann Lardeau)

Marie Dumora

Marie Dumora films all her documentaries in the east of France, all within a few acres of each other. She thus creates a cinematic territory on which the character in one film leads on to next, like Ariane’s thread. And it is not uncommon to find them several years later from one film to another. All her films have been screened and won awards in many festivals: Berlinale, Cannes (Acid), Viennale, Indie Lisboa, EntreVues Belfort, FID Marseille, Cinéma du réel, Amiens…

Production :
Quark Productions
Editing :
Catherine Gouze
Sound :
André Rigaut
Photography :
Marie Dumora
Copy Contact :
Quark Productions

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