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In Purgatorio

Giovanni Cioni
2009 Italy; France 69 minutes Italian

Purgatory is not in heaven-it is here on earth. In Naples. It has its places (cemeteries, ditches, alcoves, recesses), its objects (skulls, collection boxes, objects of devotion, prayer and gifts) and its hours (dreams). All doors through which the dead communicate with the living, grant their wishes, warn them of danger-and even sometimes reveal the winning lottery numbers… In the streets of Naples, the belief is a firm as rock. Each has their miracle to recount-or their curse. Fontanelle ossuary offers a sumptuous setting, a Baroque stage, for this curious meditation on the after-life in it local and universal dimensions. In this labyrinth of secret, intimate and collective passion, locals and tourists move around hesitantly, with troubled expressions and anxious eyes, like wandering souls in search of their path. (Yann Lardeau)

Production :
Teatri Uniti; Zeugma Films; Qwazi qWazi filM
Editing :
Giovanni Cioni; Massimiliano Pacifico; Davide Santi
Sound :
Daghi Rondinni; Alberto Paodan
Photography :
Marcello Sannino
Copy Contact :
Zeugma Films

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