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Ideal Match

Xiaoxing Cheng
2009 China; France 14 minutes Chinese

“Young woman born in 1981, 1m 58, (pale skin, pretty), good job (in state-owned enterprise), salary of 3000 yuan a month, qualification: university degree, looking for…”-yesterday in the Green Bamboo Park, today at the Lake of Jade, tomorrow at the Temple of Heaven, there are dozens of retired men and women who meet to exchange personal ads, often secretly, in search of a husband for their daughter or a wife for their son-a long, difficult and exhausting quest that reveals much of the disarray about how Chinese society is evolving. “The couple must help, love and protect each other. Without these foundations, a large house or car have no importance.” Yesterday’s rules are no longer relevant. One person denounces a real “social problem”. Another sees “a reflection of a decadent society” and criticizes the attraction of money, men’s selfishness and women’s frivolity. Marriage is not what it used to be. (Yann Lardeau)

Production :
Line Up Films
Editing :
Xiaoxing Cheng
Sound :
Xiaoxing Cheng
Photography :
Xiaoxing Cheng
Print source :
Xiaoxing Cheng

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