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Le Convoi

Patrice Chagnard
1995 France 90 minutes French

The odyssey of three men conveying food to Armenia for the human rights organisation, Equilibre. Lone drivers of their 38-tons trucks, there is 30-year old Amin heading the convoy, 62-year old Papy, a former company director put out to early retirement, and 20-year old Jérôme barely past his stormy adolescence. Alone they brave the many setbacks which cross their path due to political unrest, the harsh climate and bad roads. As they confront these obstacles, each one reveals his inner nature with all its contradictory and secret sides. “The most beautiful landscapes in the world or the images of extreme distress only take on their meaning if they are reflected in a man’s eyes and expressions and become embodied in his history.” (P. Chagnard)

Patrice Chagnard

Né en 1946. Licencié en philosophie, il a réalisé de nombreux films dont :

Transparences, 1976 – Quelque chose de l’arbre, du fleuve et du cri du peuple, 1980 – Images Maffa, 1982 – Zen, le souffle nu, 1984 – Jonas, le messager rebelle (fiction), 1986 – Le geste a la parole, 1988 – Jacqueline, 1990 – L’Autre guerre, 1991 – La prophétie du Bien Aimé, 1992 – La danse de David, 1993 – Le Convoi, 1995 – Katmandou, 1999 – Dans un camion rouge, 2005

Production :
France 2; Sept Arte; Archipel 33
Editing :
Dominique Faysse
Sound :
Pierre Carrasco
Photography :
Raymond Vidonne
Copy Contact :
Archipel 33

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